Entrepreneur Coach
Professional Network Marketer

Dan Parks is the middle child of 3 and was always encouraged to excel in everything he does. Dan learned life and business principles from both parents that he now shares with others.
Principle 1: Always be ethical
Principle 2: Never quit or give up
Principle 3: All things you do should give value
Principle 4: Relationships are to last and endure
Principle 5: Life is to be lived, family is to be loved and days are to be filled with laughter as often as possible
Dan has been successful in the corporate world… and then transitioned that success to several traditional businesses as well as professional sports… and then to network marketing.
Today, he wants to help and share the experiences he has learned along the journey to success..
Dan helps people with coaching, advice and mentoring. He believes that everyone deserves to reach their dreams. Eventually we will impact others around us in a positive and abundant way, this is the way Dan wants to give value to others and make a difference in the world.

How I Can
Help You
15 min
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